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Film Review :: An Inconvenient Truth (감상을 통한 학습 문제)

by Dr. STEAM 2024. 4. 4.

Since the film 'An Inconvenient Truth' was released, it has been credited for raising international public awareness of global warming and reenergizing the environmental movement. The documentary has also been included in science curricula in schools around the world, which has spurred some controversy. We can glean several scientific facts related to climate change from this film. Remember that “An Inconvenient Truth” serves as a powerful call to action, urging viewers to recognize the urgency of addressing climate change. Therefore, be familiar with the scientific knowledge first. Answer the questions below while you are watching the documentary film, 'An Inconvenience Truth' featuring Al Gore. 



Main message: What is the main message of the documentary?




Carbon Dioxide Levels: Recall the historical data on CO2 levels, about the rapid increase since the Industrial Revolution. Describe the need to reduce emissions, as Al Gore discussed.  




Greenhouse Effects: How do greenhouse gases (such as carbon dioxide and methane) trap heat in the Earth’s atmosphere, leading to a warming effect? 




Rising Temperatures: Describe the steady increase in global temperatures over the past century. This warming trend correlates with the rise in greenhouse gas emissions.




Melting Glaciers and Ice Sheets: Explain the effects of melting glaciers and ice sheets on the ocean, contributing to rising sea levels. Al Gore highlights the impact on regions like Greenland and Antarctica.




Extreme Weather Events: Connect climate change to more frequent and severe extreme weather events, including hurricanes, droughts, and heat waves, and explain the processes.




Ocean Circulation and Thermohaline Conveyor: Explain how important the ocean currents are in regulating global climate. Answer with key points: the disruptions to the thermohaline conveyor (a system of ocean circulation) could have far-reaching effects.




Deforestation: How does deforestation affect climate patterns?




Feedback Loops: Explain the concept of positive feedback loops, where climate changes trigger additional processes that amplify warming. Examples include thawing permafrost releasing more methane and reduced ice reflectivity.




Sea Level Rise: How does melting ice contribute to rising sea levels? Describe the possibility of the threat posed by rising sea levels due to melting ice and thermal expansion of seawater. Coastal cities and vulnerable regions are at risk.




Impact on ecosystem: What impact does climate change have on the environment and ecosystems?




Climate Models: Describe the role of climate models that predict future scenarios based on different emission levels. These models help us understand potential impacts and guide policy decisions.




Mitigation Strategies: Al Gore advocated mitigation strategies, such as renewable energy, energy efficiency, and lifestyle changes to mitigate climate change. How much do you agree?





More questions for thoughts: (Pick three among the questions below and answer.)

How can we inspire collective action to address the climate crisis?

What are the economic implications of climate change?

How can we communicate climate science effectively to the public?

What ethical considerations arise in the context of climate change?

What actions can universities and educational institutions take to promote climate literacy?

How does climate change disproportionately impact vulnerable communities?

What innovations and technologies are being developed to mitigate climate change?

What role can art, media, and storytelling play in raising awareness about climate issues?





