 ! File: solve_heat_diffusion_v1.f90
! Purpose: OOP implementation in Fortran of the ADE method of Barakat & Clark
!          (1966), for solving the time-dependent heat-diffusion equation in 2D,
 !          with a linearly-varying temperature profile on the domain-boundaries.
 !NOTES: - (for gfortran users): gfortran-4.8 still had no support for
 !         'final'-methods, and an error will be raised by that version (or
 !         earlier) of that compiler; HOWEVER, the final-procedure can be safely
 !         removed in our case, since it is included for demonstration-purposes
  !         only (the arrays which it de-allocates are freed anyway by the runtime
  !         system, when the 'Solver'-instance goes out of scope). Comment
  !         corresponding line below, to disable use of this feature.
 !       - The file "config_file_formatted.in", containing the parameters for the
 !         solver, needs to be located in working directory.
 !       - Lines containing only comments with dots can be ignored (they just
 !         help with including code in TeX-files).
 17 module NumericKinds
 18   implicit none
    ! KINDs for different types of REALs
 21   integer, parameter :: &
        R_SP = selected_real_kind(  6,   37 ), &
        R_DP = selected_real_kind( 15,  307 ), &
       R_QP = selected_real_kind( 33, 4931 )
   ! Alias for precision that we use in the program (change this to any of the
   ! values 'R_SP', 'R_DP', or 'R_QP', to switch to another precision globally).
 27   integer, parameter :: RK = R_DP ! if changing this, also change RK_FMT
    ! KINDs for different types of INTEGERs
 30   integer, parameter :: &
         I1B = selected_int_kind(2), & ! max = 127
         I2B = selected_int_kind(4), & ! max ~ 3.28x10^4
         I3B = selected_int_kind(9), & ! max ~ 2.15x10^9
         I4B = selected_int_kind(18)   ! max ~ 9.22x10^18
    ! Alias for integer-precision (analogue role to RK above).
 36   integer, parameter :: IK = I3B

    ! Edit-descriptors for real-values
 39   character(len=*), parameter :: R_SP_FMT = "f0.6", &
         R_DP_FMT = "f0.15", R_QP_FMT = "f0.33"
    ! Alias for output-precision to use in the program (keep this in sync with RK)
 42   character(len=*), parameter :: RK_FMT = R_DP_FMT
 43 end module NumericKinds

 45 module Config_class
 46   use NumericKinds
 47   implicit none
 48   private

 50   type, public :: Config
 51      real(RK) :: mDiffusivity = 1.15E-6_RK, & ! sandstone
            ! NOTE: "physical" units here (Celsius)
	      mTempA = 100._RK, &
            mTempB =  75._RK, &
            mTempC =  50._RK, &
            mTempD =  25._RK, &
			          mSideLength = 30._RK
 58      integer(IK) :: mNx = 200 ! # of points for square side-length
 59   end type Config

    ! Generic IFACE for user-defined CTOR
 62   interface Config
 63      module procedure createConfig
 64   end interface Config

 66 contains
 67   type(Config) function createConfig( cfgFilePath )
 68     character(len=*), intent(in) :: cfgFilePath
 69     integer :: cfgFileID
 70     open( newunit=cfgFileID, file=trim(cfgFilePath), status='old', action='read' )
      ! .....................................................
 72     read(cfgFileID,*) createConfig%mTempA
 73     read(cfgFileID,*) createConfig%mTempB
 74     read(cfgFileID,*) createConfig%mTempC
 75     read(cfgFileID,*) createConfig%mTempD
 76     read(cfgFileID,*) createConfig%mNx
 77     read(cfgFileID,*) createConfig%mDiffusivity
 78     read(cfgFileID,*) createConfig%mSideLength
 79     close(cfgFileID)
 80   end function createConfig
 81 end module Config_class
 83 module Solver_class
 84   use NumericKinds
 85   use Config_class
 86   implicit none
 87   private

 89   type, public :: Solver
 90      private ! Hide internal-data from users.
 91      type(Config) :: mConfig
 92      real(RK) :: mNt, & ! # of iterations to simulate a characteristic time
            mDx, mDt, mA, mB ! Configuration-dependent factors.
 94      real(RK), allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: mU, mV ! main work-arrays
 95      integer(IK) :: mNumItersMax, mCurrIter = 0
 96    contains
 97      private ! By default, hide methods (and expose as needed).
 98      procedure, public :: init
 99      procedure, public :: run
100      procedure, public :: writeAscii
101      procedure, public :: getTemp
 ! Internal methods (users don't need to know about these).
103      procedure :: advanceU
104      procedure :: advanceV
    !final :: cleanup ! NOTE: may need to comment-out for gfortran!
106   end type Solver

108	contains
 subroutine init( this, cfgFilePath, simTime ) ! initialization subroutine
110     class(Solver), intent(inout) :: this
111     character(len=*), intent(in) :: cfgFilePath
112     real(RK), intent(in) :: simTime
  ! .....................................................
114     integer(IK) :: nX, i, j
115     real(RK) :: lambda

117     this%mConfig = Config( cfgFilePath ) ! call component CTOR
118     nX = this%mConfig%mNx ! for making code below more compact
     ! conservative choice for N_t, to resolve transients -- see Barakat & Clark (1966)
120     this%mNt = nX**2
     ! evaluate derived parameter 'mLambda' in Solver, based on configuration
122     this%mNumItersMax = int( simTime*this%mNt )
123     this%mDx = 1. / nX
124     this%mDt = 1. / this%mNt
125     lambda = (2.*this%mDt) / (this%mDx**2)
126     this%mA = (1.-lambda)/(1.+lambda)
127     this%mB = lambda/(2.*(1.+lambda))
     ! allocate memory for internal arrays
129     allocate( this%mU(0:nX, 0:nX), this%mV(0:nX, 0:nX) )
     ! initialize mU-field:
     ! - set initial temperature everywhere...
132     this%mU = 1.
     ! - BUT re-write @ boundaries, for correct BCs
     ! -- North
135     this%mU(:, nX) = [ (1./3.*(i/real(nX, RK))+2./3., i=0,nX) ]
     ! -- West
137     this%mU(0, :) = [ (1./3.*(j/real(nX, RK))+1./3., j=0,nX) ]
     ! -- South
139     this%mU(:, 0) = [ (-1./3.*(i/real(nX, RK))+1./3., i=0,nX) ]
     ! -- East
141     this%mU(nX, :) = [ (j/real(nX, RK), j=0,nX) ]
     ! initialize mV-field (from mU-field)
143     this%mV = this%mU
144   end subroutine init

146   real(RK) function getTemp( this, i, j ) ! GETter for temperature
147     class(Solver), intent(in) :: this
148     integer(IK), intent(in) :: i, j
149     getTemp = 0.5*( this%mU(i,j) + this%mV(i,j) )
150	end function getTemp

	 subroutine run( this ) ! method for time-marching
153     class(Solver), intent(inout) :: this
154     integer(IK) :: k ! dummy index (time-marching)

156     do k=1, this%mNumItersMax ! MAIN loop
       ! simple progress-monitor
158        if( mod(k-1, (this%mNumItersMax-1)/10) == 0 ) then
159           write(*, '(i5,a)') nint((k*100.0)/this%mNumItersMax), "%"
160        end if
        ! defer work to private methods
162        call this%advanceU()
163        call this%advanceV()
164        this%mCurrIter = this%mCurrIter + 1 ! tracking time step
165     end do
166   end subroutine run

168   subroutine advanceU( this )
169     class(Solver), intent(inout) :: this
170     integer(IK) :: i, j ! local variables
 ! actual update for 'mU'-field (NE-ward)
172     do j=1, this%mConfig%mNx-1   ! do NOT update
173        do i=1, this%mConfig%mNx-1 ! boundaries
174           this%mU(i,j) = this%mA*this%mU(i,j) + this%mB*( &
                this%mU(i-1,j) + this%mU(i+1,j) + this%mU(i,j-1) + this%mU(i,j+1) )
176        end do
177     end do
178   end subroutine advanceU

180   subroutine advanceV( this ) ! similar to 'advanceU'
181     class(Solver), intent(inout) :: this
    ! .....................................................
183     integer(IK) :: i, j ! local variables
    ! actual update for 'mV'-field (SW-ward)
185     do j=this%mConfig%mNx-1, 1, -1   ! do NOT update
186        do i=this%mConfig%mNx-1, 1, -1 ! boundaries
187           this%mV(i,j) = this%mA*this%mV(i,j) + this%mB*( &
               this%mV(i-1,j) + this%mV(i+1,j) + this%mV(i,j-1) + this%mV(i,j+1) )
189        end do
190     end do
191	end subroutine advanceV

	 ! method for producing a ASCII output file
194   subroutine writeAscii( this, outFilePath )
195     class(Solver), intent(in) :: this
196     character(len=*), intent(in) :: outFilePath
    ! .....................................................
198     integer(IK) :: x, y, outFileID ! local variables

200     open( newunit=outFileID, file=trim(outFilePath), status='replace', action='write' )
201     write(outFileID, '(a)') &
          "# output file for program solve_heat_diffusion_v1.f90"
203     write(outFileID, '(a,2x,a)') '"s"', "# time unit"
204     write(outFileID, '(f0.8,2x,a)') &
         (this%mCurrIter*this%mConfig%mSideLength**2)/ &
          (this%mConfig%mDiffusivity*this%mNt), &
          "# current time"
208     write(outFileID, '(a,2x,a)') '"m"', "# X unit"
209     write(outFileID, '(i0,2x,a)') this%mConfig%mNx, "# Nx"
210     write(outFileID, '(a,2x,a)') '"m"', "# Y unit"
211     write(outFileID, '(i0,2x,a)') this%mConfig%mNx, "# Ny"
212     write(outFileID, '(a,2x,a)') '"degree~C"', "# temperature unit"
     ! X-axis
214     do x=0, this%mConfig%mNx
215        write(outFileID, '(f0.8,2x)', advance='no') this%mDx*this%mConfig%mSideLength*x
216     end do
217     write(outFileID, '(a)') "# XVals"
    ! Y-axis
219     do y=0, this%mConfig%mNx
220        write(outFileID, '(f0.8,2x)', advance='no') this%mDx*this%mConfig%mSideLength*y
221     end do
222     write(outFileID, '(a)') "# YVals"
    ! simulation results
224     write(outFileID, '(a)') "# from next line to end: simulated temperature"
225     do y=0, this%mConfig%mNx
226        do x=0, this%mConfig%mNx
227           write(outFileID, '(f0.8,2x)', advance='no') &
229        end do
230        write(outFileID, *) ! newline to separate rows for R visualization script
231     end do
232     close(outFileID)
233   end subroutine writeAscii

  ! destructor method
236   subroutine cleanup( this )
     ! 'class' -> 'type' (dummy-arg cannot be polymorphic for final procedures)
238     type(Solver), intent(inout) :: this
    ! in this version, we only deallocate memory
240     deallocate( this%mU, this%mV )
241   end subroutine cleanup
242	end module Solver_class

	 program solve_heat_diffusion_v1
   use NumericKinds
   use Solver_class
247   implicit none

 type(Solver) :: square
   real(RK) :: simTime = 0.1 ! no. of characteristic time-intervals to simulate

252   character(len=200) :: configFile = "config_file_formatted.in", &
        outputFile = "simulation_final_temp_field.dat"

255   call square%init( configFile, simTime ) ! call Initializer
256   call square%run()

258	  call square%writeAscii( outputFile )
259 end program solve_heat_diffusion_v1




! 온도변환 인터페이스 사용 버전 p222
PROGRAM Temperature_Conversion_7
    implicit none
        Function Celsius_to_Fahr(Temp)        
        real :: Celsius_to_Fahr
        real, intent(in) :: Temp                
        END Function Celsius_to_Fahr
    real :: fahrenheit, celsius
    character(1) :: response
        ! Get a Celsius temperature
        write (*, '(1x, A)', ADVANCE = "NO") "Enter a Celsius temperature:"
        read *, Celsius
        ! Use the module function Fahr_to_Celsius to convert it to Celsius       
        Fahrenheit = Celsius_to_Fahr(celsius)
        ! Output the result
        print '(1x, 2(F6.2, A))', celsius, & 
            " in Celsius is equivalent to ", fahrenheit, " in Fahrenheit"
        ! Check if more temperautre ar to ber converted
        write (*, '(/ 1x, A)', ADVANCE = "NO") &
               "More temperatures to convert (Y or N)?"
        read *, response
        IF (response /= "Y") EXIT
    END DO
    END PROGRAM Temperature_Conversion_7

Function Celsius_to_Fahr(Temp)
    implicit none
    real :: Celsius_to_Fahr
    real, intent(in) :: Temp        
    Celsius_to_Fahr = (Temp - 32.0) /1.8
End Function Celsius_to_Fahr







포트란 강좌 :: 서브루틴 부프로그램

보호되어 있는 글입니다. 내용을 보시려면 비밀번호를 입력하세요.





1. 오염지수 구하기 - IF 문

PROGRAM pollution
   INTEGER :: level_1, level_2, level_3, index
   INTEGER, PARAMETER :: cutoff = 50
   ! get the 3 pollution readings
   PRINT *, "Enter 3 pollution readings (unit: ppm) :"
   READ *, level_1, level_2, level_3
   index = (level_1 + level_2 + level_3)/3
   IF (index < cutoff) THEN 
       PRINT *, "SAFE"
    end program pollution



2. 오염지수 구하기 - IF-ELSE 문


program pollution
    implicit none
   integer :: level_1, level_2, level_3, index
   integer, parameter :: lowcutoff = 25, highcutoff = 50
   ! get the 3 pollution readings
   print *, "Enter 3 pollution readings (unit: ppm) :"
   read *, level_1, level_2, level_3
   ! Calculate the pollution index 
   index = (level_1 + level_2 + level_3)/3
   ! classify the pollution index and display air-quality conditions     
   if (index < lowcutoff) then 
       print *, "GOOD"       
   else if (index < highcutoff) then 
           print *, "FAIR"
           print *, "POOR"
   end if
    end program pollution








포트란 강좌 :: 논리식

논리식 (logical expression) 단순 논리식(simple logical expression) 형식 1. 논리상수 (.TRUE. 또는 .FALSE.) 2. 논리변수 3. 아래 관계식 형태  expr1 관계연산자 expr2 (expr는 수치 또는 문자식) 관계 연산..





포트란 강좌 :: IF와 IF-ELSE 문

단순 논리 IF 구문 IF (논리식) 실행문 (논리식)이 참이면 실행문이 실행되고, 거짓이면 넘어간다. if (2.0 <= x .and. x <= 4.0) print *, x 이는 아래의 블럭 IF 문과 같다. IF (논리식) THEN 문블럭 END IF (..



화씨와 섭씨를 구분해 변환하는 하나의 코드 작성





1. 1251/3 승수 구하기

program ex
    implicit none
    real :: x, y1, y2, y3, y4,  y5
    x = 125    
    y1 = x ** (1.0/3.0)
    y2 = x ** (1./3.)
    y3 = x ** (1/3.0)
    y4 = x ** (1.0/3)
    y5 = x ** (1/3)
    print *, '12345678901234567890123456789012'
    print *, 'Remind 1.0 x 3.0 = ', 1.0 * 3.0
    print *, 'Remind   1 x   3 = ', 1 * 3
    print *
    print *, y1
    print *, y2
    print *, y3
    print *, y4
    print *, y5
    print *
end program ex


사칙 연산에서 아래와 같은 사실을 알 수 있다. 

실수 ÷ 실수 = 실수

실수 ÷ 정수 = 실수

정수 ÷ 실수 = 실수

정수 ÷ 정수 = 정수


y5의 경우 1/3 = 0.333 인데, 정수/정수=정수형이 되므로, 소수점 이하자리는 버림되고 1/3은 0이 된다. 따라서, 결과값이 1이다. 1은 정수가 아니라 1.00000으로 실수형으로 표현되는 이유는 y5가 실수형으로 선언되었기 때문이다. 



3. e3 구하기


키보드로 입력값을 받아들인다. 

내장함수 EXP( )를 사용하여 지수값을 구한다. 



   read x

   p = EXP(x)

   print p



program ex
    implicit none
    real :: x, p
    print *, 'Enter value :'
    read *, x
    p = exp(x)
    print *, 'Exponential value is', p
    print *
end program ex

결과 해석

원하는 값을 입력받아 프로그램을 실행하고자 할 때, read 문을 사용한다. 



4. loge2.7 와log102.7구하기



자연로그 값을 구하기 위해 log( )와 alog( )함수를 사용해서 비교한다. 

상용로그 값을 구하기 위해 log10( )함수를 사용한다. 



program ex
    implicit none
    real :: x, a, b, c
    print *, 'Enter value :'
    read *, x
    a = log(x)
    b = alog(x)
    c = log10(x)
    print *, ' LOG(x) is ', a
    print *, 'ALOG(x) is ', b
    print *, 'LOG10(x) is ', c
    print *
    end program ex

5. 삼각함수 값 구하기


  삼각함수 입력값은 radian 이다. degree를 radian 으로 변환해야 한다. 

program ex
    implicit none
    real :: degree, radian
    real :: x, L, M, N, P
    print *, 'Enter the angle in degree :'
    read *, degree
    radian = 3.141592/180.0
    x = radian * degree
    L = sin(x)
    M = cos(x)
    N = tan(x)
    P = sin(x)/cos(x)
    print *, "SIN(X) is ", L
    print *, "COS(X) is ", M
    print *, "TAN(X) is ", N
    print *, "SIN(X)/COS(X) is ", P
    print *
    end program ex

결과 해설

마지막에 TAN(x)와 SIN(x)/COS(x) 값을 비교해 보면, 맨 마지막 소수자리 숫자가 다르다. 이는 truncation 문제로 인해 발생하는 것이다. 





아래 열거된 내장함수를 모두 사용하여 코딩하여 결과를 발표한다.


입력값은 화면에서 임의로 입력받도록 한다. 

출력은 소수점 3째자리까지 출력되도록 한다. 


코딩 설계 및 구성을 설명한다. 

코딩을 line-by-line 으로 설명한다. 




여러가지 내장함수

Function Meaning Arg. Type Return Type
ABS(x) absolute value of x INTEGER INTEGER
SQRT(x) square root of x REAL REAL
SIN(x) sine of x radian REAL REAL
COS(x) cosine of x radian REAL REAL
TAN(x) tangent of x radian REAL REAL
ASIN(x) arc sine of x REAL REAL
ACOS(x) arc cosine of x REAL REAL
ATAN(x) arc tangent of x REAL REAL
EXP(x) exp(x) REAL REAL
LOG(x) natural logarithm of x REAL REAL


Function Meaning Arg. Type Return Type
INT(x) integer part x REAL INTEGER
NINT(x) nearest integer to x REAL INTEGER
FLOOR(x) greatest integer less than or equal to x REAL INTEGER
FRACTION(x) the fractional part of x REAL REAL
REAL(x) convert x to REAL INTEGER REAL


Function Meaning Arg. Type Return Type
MAX(x1, x2, ..., xn) maximum of x1, x2, ... xn INTEGER INTEGER
MIN(x1, x2, ..., xn) minimum of x1, x2, ... xn INTEGER INTEGER
MOD(x,y) remainder x - INT(x/y)*y INTEGER INTEGER

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