고전적인 지구과학 개념
새로운 측정 도구들의 등장
에디 공분산법
Ice core 측정법
인공 위성
Earth Observing System (EOS)
SeaWiFS, TRMM, Landsat 7, QuikSCAT, Terra, Aqua, Aura, CloudSat, CALIPSO, SMAP
지리정보 시스템 (GIS, Geographical Information System)
수치 모델
A snapshot of the simulated time evolution of the component of atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration originating from the land surface for February 1900. CO2 is transferred as NEE from the Community Land Model Version 3 (CLM3)—coupled with the CASA′ terrestrial biogeochemistry model—to the Community Atmosphere Model (CAM3)
나비에-스토크 방정식
Navier-Stokes Equation of Mean Motion:The balance of all the forces in the eath’s atmosphere w/o centrifugal force
In a turbulent atmosphere, a turbulent stress term, the Reynolds stress, must be applied.
* Terms can be neglible in some cases:
1. For steady-state flow, the tendency --> 0.
2. Above horizontaly homogeneous sfc, the adv. --> 0.
3. In the center of high/low pressure areas or for small scale processes,
the PGF --> 0.
4. At the equator, Coriolis term --> 0.