
http://www2.mmm.ucar.edu/wrf/OnLineTutorial/DATA/NARR/index.html  ==> 요것만 참고하면 된다.



https://rda.ucar.edu/#!lfd?nb=y&b=proj&v=NCEP North American Regional Reanalysis



As the start and end dates are the same,

interval_seconds will be ignored.

NARR (North American Regional Reanalysis) data.

Type: GRIB1 data


Area - approx. 160E–20W ; 10N–80N ; at 32 km

Output frequency 3 hourly

29 pressure levels (1000-100hPa ; excluding surface)


January 1979 to current

From NCAR/RDA site at: http://rda.ucar.edu/pub/narr/ (You must register -it is free- to access the data.)


Download the 3D, flx and sfc files for the date of interest. (Follow the links to this data from the left-hand panel on the above web site.)

The downloaded files will have the following file names:




Also download (you only need to do this once), the FIXED file. This file contains the fields, LANDSEA; SOILHGT; SOIL_CAT and VEGCAT. The date stamp in this file is 1979-11-08_00. (Follow the "NARR Fixed Fields" link from the left-hand panel on the above web site, and then download the "32km output GRIB file".)


Vtable: Vtable.NARR


  Peruse the ungib/Variable_Tables/Vtable.NARR file to see which fields we are going to try and unpack from the GRIB files. This file also contains notes regarding which fields are obtain from which of the above files.
There is a problem with the supplied Vtable (see post in Known Problems dated 3/15/07). Please download a new version and place it the ungib/Variable_Tables/ directory.


Sample data (December 2006):

The data is available for the period 2006-02-05_12 to 2006-02-06_12 (data frequency is 3 hourly).

This is GRIB 1 data.

Notes on running UNGRIB for this data

1. Download data and place in directory ../DATA/NARR

2. Examine the GRIB files, (as an example we will look at a surface file, but also examine the other files)

   ./util/g1print.exe ../DATA/NARR/merged_AWIP32.2006020512.RS.sfc

3. ln -sf ungrib/Variable_Tables/Vtable.NARR Vtable


4a. ./link_grib.csh ../DATA/NARR/rr-fixed.grb

5a. Edit namelist.wps

    start_date = '1979-11-08_00:00:00',

    end_date = '1979-11-08_00:00:00',

    interval_seconds = 10800,

    prefix = 'NARRFIX',

6a. ./ungrib.exe >& ungrib_data.log


4b. ./link_grib.csh ../DATA/NARR/merged_AWIP32.200602

      The above command will link in all the 3D, flx and sfc data files for the time of interest,

      so that we can work with them as a single dataset.

5b. Edit namelist.wps

    start_date = '2006-02-05_12:00:00',

    end_date = '2006-02-06_12:00:00',

    interval_seconds = 10800,

    prefix = 'NARR',

6b. ./ungrib.exe >& ungrib_data.log


7. Examine the intermediate files, e.g.,

   ./util/rd_intermediate.exe NARRFIX:1979-11-08_00

   ./util/plotfmt.exe NARRFIX:1979-11-08_00 ; idt gmeta


  You only have to do steps 4a-6a once, even is you change to a different case date, as this is a fixed file.
Steps 4b-6b must be repeated for each new case date.


Notes on running METGRID for this data

Since we have change the 'prefix', in the namelist, ensure that you set 'fg_name' correct before running metgrid.exe

fg_name = 'NARR'

We also have some constant fields we need to input into the met_em* files. To do this ADD, the following line to the metgrid section of the namelist:

constants_name = './NARRFIX:1979-11-08_00'


Pasted from <http://www2.mmm.ucar.edu/wrf/OnLineTutorial/DATA/NARR/index.html>



  1. 체크할 사항

Met_em. 파일에 num_metgrid_soil_level = 4 인지 확인할 .


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